2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
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Allison Henrich, PhD, Chair
The Mathematics Department offers three distinct programs. The first two are very flexible programs that provide for work in a secondary field and lead to either the bachelor of arts or the bachelor of science degree. The bachelor of arts degree includes a choice of a specialization in humanities for teaching. The bachelor of science degree includes a choice of specialization in actuarial mathematics. The third program, leading to the bachelor of science in mathematics degree, prepares the student for advanced study and professional work in mathematics. For this third degree program, the student chooses a specialization in pure or applied mathematics.
Advanced Placement in Calculus
Students who have completed a college-level course in calculus in high school and have taken the advanced placement test in calculus of the College Entrance Examination Board may petition the department for placement on the basis of their test results. Advanced placement and credit may be granted to students whose test scores are 3 or above. Advanced placement may also be obtained through departmental testing.
Proper Sequence for Taking Courses
The normal sequence of elementary mathematics courses is MATH 1020 ; MATH 1120 or MATH 1321 ; MATH 1130 or MATH 1230 or MATH 1334 . A student who has received a 2.00 or better in any course of this sequence or its equivalent cannot subsequently receive credit for a course that appears before it in the sequence. A student may not receive credit for more than one course from each of the following groups: MATH 1120 and MATH 1321 ; MATH 1130 , MATH 1230 , and MATH 1334 ; MATH 1210 and MATH 2310 ; MATH 2310 and MATH 3411 . A student who has taken MATH 1130 or MATH 1230 and, due to a change of major, is required to take MATH 1334 as preparation for MATH 1335 will receive credit for both MATH 1130 (or MATH 1230 ) and MATH 1334 . In these cases credit for MATH 1334 will be contingent on completing MATH 1335 with a 2.00 or better.
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