2010-2011 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Kristen J. Skogerboe, PhD, Chair
The Chemistry Department has a strong student-centered chemistry program focused on skills and practices that promote career and personal development. The faculty is committed to innovative teaching methods and providing collaborative research experience for all interested students. Recently remodeled research laboratories and new equipment, including a 400MHz NMR spectrometer and a triple quadrople liquid chromatograph mass spectrometer, provide an excellent environment for students to engage in undergraduate research projects. Through the promotion of undergraduate research opportunities, the department encourages one of the most effective methods of learning chemistry and building skills, confidence and résumés for later professional goals.
Programs offered by the Chemistry Department are designed to prepare the student for professional work in the various fields of basic and applied chemistry. The bachelor of science in chemistry or bachelor of science in biochemistry degree is recommended to students who wish to prepare themselves for graduate studies in chemistry, biochemistry, medical/dental school or for work in the chemical or biochemical industry. Both of these degrees have options for certification by the American Chemical Society. Some additional courses are required to meet the certification requirements.
The bachelor of arts degree is recommended for those desiring a solid foundation in chemistry along with greater freedom of choice for elective courses from programs such as education, business, engineering, or other fields within the university.