Sep 08, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog


Changes made to the catalog after initial publication are listed here in order of date changed within each category.
Course Changes
PSYC 3220 and SOCW 3030: note added to description that credit is not allowed for both courses   05/20/2024   KG
CHEM 1510: requisite clarified to indicate minimum grade required    6/18/2024   KG
AVCS 3760; HIST 4040, 4460, 4740; ROBO 2010, 3310, 4850; SBLR 3000, 4100, 4500; SCENG 3030; WGST 3140: new courses added   7/2/2024   KG
BIOL 2200; BUAN 4210; DATA 3310, 3320; HIST 3520: revised   7/2/2024   KG
BIOL 1610, 1611, 1620, 1621; CHEM 1000, 1501; CPSC 1220; UCOR 1810: updated requisites   7/16/2024   KG
Program Changes
BA, Environmental Studies, Ecological Systems Specialization: BIOL 2600 added as specialization option   6/3/2024   KG
BS, Forensic Psychology: removed CRJS 4300 as required and increased Major Elective requirement by 5 credits   6/13/2024   KG
Minor in Personal Branding and Entertainment added   7/2/2024   KG
Minors in Humanitarian Engineering and Robotics added   7/10/2024   KG
BA, History with Departmental Honors credit total requirement corrected   7/23/2024   KG
BA, Interdisciplinary Arts, Photography Emphasis, Departmental Honors credit total requirement corrected   7/25/2024   KG
Other Changes
Physics, Mechanical Engineering: Department Chair information updated   6/3/2024   KG
BA, Interdisciplinary Liberal Studies and major with Elementary Education specialization note regarding upper-division credit requirement updated to include 2000-level courses   7/3/2024   KG
Major, minor and overall GPA requirments updated to match change in policy   7/16 & 17/2024   HD & KG