Feb 08, 2025  
2010-2011 Graduate Catalog 
2010-2011 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Information



A holistic approach to teaching and learning is the cornerstone of a Seattle University education, which nurtures the intellectual, spiritual and personal growth of our students. At SU, scholarly pursuits go hand-in-hand with the Jesuit tradition of social justice and service learning. Our undergraduate and graduate students excel in the classroom and are making their mark in their communities and beyond.

Founded in 1891, Seattle University offers a values-based education steeped in the Jesuit tradition. The university’s positioning to be the premier independent university in the Northwest is closely woven with the history of Seattle and the Puget Sound region. Seattle University is a vibrant and diverse campus with more than 7,500 undergraduate and graduate students that continues the traditions of its founders through a commitment to a mission- and purpose-driven education.

About Seattle University

Situated on 48-acres, Seattle University is home to eight schools and colleges: the Albers School of Business and Economics, the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Education, the College of Nursing, the College of Science and Engineering, Matteo Ricci College, the School of Law and the School of Theology and Ministry.

One of 28 Jesuit-Catholic universities in the country, SU cultivates intellectual and spiritual development with its high-caliber faculty, small class sizes, academic rigor, challenging curriculum and emphasis on education for justice.

The university, its colleges and programs consistently rank among the best in the nation by U.S. News and World Report and Princeton Review’s Best Colleges guide. The university is among the most diverse independent universities in the West, with our students representing more than 60 countries.

Located within steps of Seattle’s downtown core, SU provides distinctive learning, service and career opportunities for students. There are 61 undergraduate and 31 graduate degree programs that offer a variety of specializations, plus 21 certificate programs.

To balance the intellectual demands of the curriculum, students take advantage of the abundant cultural and recreational opportunities afforded by our location within a dynamic, global city and the natural wonders of the Pacific Northwest.

Students don’t need to venture off campus to enjoy the serenity of an urban oasis with the university’s lush green spaces and distinctive Japanese gardens. Seattle University is certified as a wildlife habitat by the National Wildlife Federation, which followed the university’s designation in 1989 as a Backyard Wildlife Sanctuary by the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Seattle University is also widely known for its efforts and initiatives that support sustainability. As a green campus, SU is a nationally recognized leader in recycling-the university recycles more than 62 percent of its waste. Water conservation and renewable energy are also important to the university. President Stephen Sundborg, S.J., and Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels co-signed the Seattle Climate Partnership agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the workplace. SU also participates in Seattle City Light’s Green Up program, which helps fund renewable energy resources. The university committed 15 percent of its electrical usage to support new renewable energy.

At SU, facilities are more than simply bricks and mortar; they play an important role in how we educate our students and the programs we provide. In the past 15 years, the campus has undergone more than $200 million in facilities improvements. Additions in recent years include the Clinical Performance Nursing Laboratory and the Jeanne Marie and Rhoady Lee, Jr. Center for the Arts, a premier performing arts center to showcase the university’s dramatic and visual arts and music. In 2007, the university revamped its central entry point to the campus; a large, bold SU logo was painted on the asphalt near a main walking path and the visitor parking lot to make the area more visible and inviting.

The centerpiece and spiritual center of SU remains the Chapel of St. Ignatius, the vision of architect Steven Holl. In addition to being a campus and civic landmark, the chapel is a popular place of worship for the campus community and its friends and neighbors.

How We Educate

At Seattle University, excellent teaching-supported by high-quality scholarship and personalized attention to student learning-ensures an intellectually challenging education, which is at the heart of our mission in undergraduate, graduate and professional programs.

The university culture supports a total experience, one that promotes vision, character and leadership and educates the whole person.

The Jesuit-Catholic educational tradition sows independent thinkers who are informed by the humanities and social justice as they grow into global citizens.

Course work, programs and activities reflect the Jesuit principles of the service of faith and promotion of justice to address issues of poverty, injustice, discrimination, violence and the environment in committed and effective ways.

For the faith component of an SU education, the university encourages and assists all students in exploring their relationship with humanity, nature and God, and provides all members of the university community the means to deepen their understanding of faith.

Student Academic Services and Programs

Meeting the needs of a diverse student body means providing a variety of programs, activities and resources to enhance the educational experience. It also means helping students achieve success from the moment they step on campus to the day they walk across the stage at commencement.

Academic Advising and Support Services

Faculty and staff members who advise or provide related services in support of academic success and retention recognize the vital role an advisor plays in the overall college experience. Faculty, professionals and peers serve as academic advisors in the various colleges and schools.

Student Academic Services provides support to develop and promote high-quality campus advising services. This includes ongoing skill-building opportunities for faculty advisors and dissemination of the latest advising information. The department also coordinates a referral system that identifies students experiencing academic difficulties and extends resources and support.

Information: (206) 296-2260, seattleu.edu/SAS/


The Department of Athletics takes a holistic approach to developing student-athletes by creating a culture where they can achieve success while balancing academics and athletics. The mission of our athletics program is the development of ethical leaders and student-athletes who exemplify the value of teamwork and good sportsmanship. Many of our students earn All-American honors for their exemplary work in sports and in academics.

The transition from Division II to Division I play is currently underway and will allow our student-athletes to compete at the top level in NCAA action. In addition to men’s and women’s basketball, cross country, indoor and outdoor track and field, and soccer, and women’s softball, volleyball and swimming, SU will add men’s and women’s golf and tennis from now through 2010. By 2012 athletics will be a full D-I program.

Information: (206) 296-6400, goseattleu.com

Career Services

Career Services offers assistance to students and recent graduates in career choices. These include internship assistance, career testing and employment guidance, plus help with résumé and cover letter writing, and job search strategies.

Information: (206) 296-6080, seattleu.edu/careerservices/


Seattle University collegia provide a home-away-from-home environment for commuter students. The university offers five collegia where students can gather to study, socialize and relax while on campus.

Information: (206) 296-6297, seattleu.edu/student/commuters/collegia/

Culture and Language Bridge

The Culture and Language Bridge program is designed to prepare non-native English speakers for a productive academic career. The primary goal of the program is to provide students with an understanding of American academic culture. The courses offered in the program are highly advanced, with a specific focus on university-level reading, writing, listening and speaking. The program is offered in fall, winter and spring quarters.

Information: (206) 296-6064, seattleu.edu/academics/bridge/

Disabilities Services

Disabilities Services is a component of the Loyola Learning Center that provides academic counseling, support, advocacy and referrals for students with disabilities. The office arranges academic adjustments such as testing adaptations, note takers, books on tape, facilities access, adaptive/auxiliary aids and interpreters, and coordinates other forms of reasonable accommodation to allow students with disabilities to participate in university programs, services and activities. Written documentation of a student’s disability from a qualified professional must be submitted before reasonable accommodations and academic adjustments can be provided. Copies of the Seattle University Section 504/ADA Policy and Appeal Procedure are available at the Loyola Learning Center or online at seattleu.edu/sas/DisabilityServices/

Information: (206) 296-5740, seattleu.edu/sas/DisabilityServices/

International Student and Scholar Center

The International Student and Scholar Center (ISSC) serves students from more than 60 countries. The center strives to enable international students to achieve success at SU and to enrich the campus community through their cultural perspectives, including programs and events with a global viewpoint.

Information: (206) 296-6260, seattleu.edu/student/issc/

Loyola Learning Center

The Loyola Learning Center provides academic support and study skill enhancement for students. The center also offers tutors, workshops, learning style assessment, study skills instruction, and one-on-one consultation to design strategies for improving time management, reading comprehension, test preparation and test and note taking.

Information: (206) 296-5740, seattleu.edu/sas/LearningAssistance/

Office of Fellowships

Seattle University has a proven track record when it comes to prestigious scholarships, fellowships and awards.

Over the years many of our students have received fellowships and grants, including three Fulbright scholarships; a Soros Fellowship; a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship; a Goldwater Scholarship; and Truman Scholar Awards. (The Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation designated SU as an Honor Institution, a distinction given to universities that have several Truman Scholars and that promote the values of public service.)

The Office of Fellowships supports undergraduate and graduate students in their search for fellowships, grants and other academic opportunities. The office provides a clearinghouse of information about various funding opportunities and assists students in locating fellowships that fit their interests, experience and goals.

A range of fellowship opportunities is supported through the Office of Fellowships, from smaller, local competitions to prominent national contests.

While the Office of Fellowships offers guidance in choosing a fellowship, its primary mission is to support students through the application process. This includes writing assistance, advising and interview preparation.

Information: (206) 296-2517, seattleu.edu/sas/Fellowships/. For appointments, call (206) 296-2260.

Office of Multicultural Affairs

The Office of Multicultural Affairs is committed to supporting the academic, social and cultural success of a diverse campus population. In doing so, a variety of services, activities, programs and referrals are provided to complement, enhance and support instructional learning.

Information: (206) 296-6070, seattleu.edu/student/oma/

Writing Center

The Writing Center is a union of academic excellence and outreach. The center exists to support the university’s core curriculum and to serve the writing needs of the greater campus community. The Writing Center is staffed with writing consultants from multiple disciplines who are trained to work on a range of writing assignments.

Information: (206) 296-6239, seattleu.edu/writingcenter/

Educating the Whole Person

A well-rounded education is about more than scholastic success-it is values- and mission-driven; it enriches and inspires. Confident, skilled student leaders are developed through our top-notch educators and service and social justice offerings. In addition to academic achievements and personal growth, Seattle University provides many opportunities for exploration of faith, and fitness and wellness.

Campus Ministry

Campus Ministry brings together and supports the many faith communities at Seattle University. In addition to outreach and education, Campus Ministry promotes social justice, pastoral care and service, and personal and spiritual growth through various programs and regional and international learning experiences.

The heart of the university’s Catholic faith community is the Chapel of St. Ignatius, which offers daily and Sunday liturgies and special events, such as concerts and Taize prayer. The Campion Ecumenical Chapel provides a large worship space for denominational and ecumenical Christian worship, and the Campion Multifaith Prayer Room offers a sacred place for daily personal prayer and group prayer for persons of all faiths. The Immaculate Conception Chapel, located on the second floor of the Administration Building, offers a place of refuge and prayer, and is the site of a weekday Mass.

Campus Ministry offers many resources and service-learning opportunities through the Maguire Center and Hunthausen Resource Center, both located on the first floor of the Student Center.

Information: (206) 296-6075, seattleu.edu/missionministry/campusministry/

Education Abroad

The Education Abroad Office facilitates intellectual and intercultural experiences that contribute to leadership and service in the Jesuit tradition. Seattle University’s Education Abroad is among the top programs of its kind in the nation, according to the latest Open Doors report by the Institute of International Education. In the report, SU made three of the lists for “Top 40 Institutions,” ranking 14th for numbers of students studying abroad in the Masters Carnegie category and 13th for short-term abroad programs. SU made the top 40 for overall participation by undergraduates.

Almost half of the students who participate in education abroad take short-term trips, and the rest spend a quarter or longer abroad at schools in Austria, Japan, France, Belize, China, Spain or Mexico.

Additional international abroad opportunities are available through the Research for Development Graduate Program and the International Development Internship Program. The Research for Development Graduate Program places graduate students in internships where they conduct research for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Africa and Southeast Asia, Burma and Thailand. The International Development Internship Program is a 20-credit academic program for undergraduate students-now in its seventh year-that connects students with internships with NGOs in Latin America, Africa and Asia. Both programs focus on students acquiring a sense of responsibility for social justice, which enables them to serve communities at local, national and international levels.

To prepare for this international service and deepen their understanding afterward, students attend on-campus seminars before and after their time abroad.

Information: (206) 296-2226, seattleu.edu/studyabroad/

Mission and Ministry

Mission and Ministry consists of several branches that extend outward to connect the Jesuit and Catholic character of Seattle University with academic and service-learning programs. The office encompasses Jesuit Mission and Identity, the chaplain for faculty and staff, Magis: Alumni Committed for Mission, and Campus Ministry, which coordinates on-campus chapels and liturgical services.

Information: (206) 296-6133, seattleu.edu/missionministry

Center for Service and Community Engagement

In keeping with the Jesuit tradition and principles of service and justice, students have opportunities to serve and learn through the Center for Service and Community Engagement.

More than two-thirds of SU’s undergraduates took a course with a service-learning component and 70 percent volunteered in 2007-08.

The office promotes student leadership in the community, supports service-learning courses and builds partnerships with local community-based organizations through various service opportunities. Several major Center for Service and Engagement projects include the annual Serve Seattle Day, a series of service immersion trips and the year-long Student Leaders for a Common Good program.

Information: (206) 296-2569, seattleu.edu/csce/

Recreational Sports

Recreational Sports provides opportunities for students to get connected with the SU community by participating in a club sport, intramurals, leisure education classes or working out at our athletics facility, the Redhawk Center.

The Redhawk Center is the nucleus of athletic and recreational activity at Seattle University. The facility provides a comprehensive sports complex with two gyms, swimming pools, a complete fitness and weight room, and an exercise and indoor cycling room, among other amenities. Visitors can join a pick-up game of basketball in one of the two indoor gyms, work out in the weight room or challenge friends to a game of handball. Tennis courts, a softball field, running track and soccer field complete the sports facilities.

Throughout the year, students can compete in men’s, women’s or co-ed intramural leagues. There are a variety of intramural sports leagues at SU, including tennis, racquetball, softball and floor hockey.

The university also offers a wide range of intramural and club sports, including skiing, golf, tennis, ice hockey and ultimate Frisbee. Classes are available in aerobics, taekwondo and yoga.

Club sports are student-run and include baseball, cycling and cheerleading.

For the outdoor enthusiasts there’s the Outdoor and Adventure and Recreation (OAR) program. OAR provides students with opportunities to explore the outdoors through diverse recreational happenings. Activities, which vary quarterly, include hiking and climbing, and snow and water sports.

Information: (206) 296-6441, seattleu.edu/recsports/

Teaching for the 21st Century Student

Seattle University draws on its distinguished faculty and personalized attention to learning-the student-to-faculty ratio is 13:1-to ensure today’s tech-savvy and socially conscious students receive the best education and learning experience.

Most full-time faculty have earned doctoral degrees and are active scholars, contributing to the advancement of their fields. Service and social justice underpin the SU curriculum, and help develop our students into global citizens.

Students from all majors are encouraged to expand their understanding of other countries and cultures by studying, working or doing community service abroad. International options abound through Education Abroad. Faculty members also lead field studies abroad.

Campus Life and Services

In addition to providing an engaging campus and learning environment, the university offers many vital services with its confines. This includes Public Safety, where students can get parking permits and bus passes, as well as safety escorts. The Student Health Center provides primary care services and more. The Lemieux Library offers a vast collection of resources and research materials. In fall 2010, students and the campus community will have the opportunity to check out materials, study and interact in a new Lemieux Library and McGoldrick Learning Commons, which will feature not only an extensive collection of reading materials but also the latest in technology. The SU Bookstore is the go-to place for course textbooks and supplies, plus snacks and other sundries. University Food Services give students options when it comes to what they eat, with a variety of healthy choices at convenient locations on campus.


The Seattle University Bookstore is a one-stop source for textbooks and course-related materials. The bookstore also offers software, electronics and a selection of apparel and gift items, food and snacks, and popular works of fiction and non-fiction, and self-help and spirituality books. The bookstore carries distinctive products and gifts, including artisan crafts from Nicaragua.

Information: (206) 296-5820, seattleubookstore.com

Counseling and Psychological Services

Counseling and Psychological Services assists students in meeting the challenges of college life by encouraging healthy personal choices and balanced perspectives. Students can seek counseling and psychological services for a variety of reasons and concerns, such as depression or anxiety, life crises, relationship challenges, sexuality issues, and drug and alcohol abuse. Licensed social workers, psychologists and graduate interns provide group, couple and individual counseling and referral services for those requiring specialized or long-term care. These services are provided without charge to current students. All clinical services are confidential, and no information is released without the student’s consent, unless required or allowed by law. The staff also provides consultation and crisis intervention to the greater campus community.

Information: (206) 296-6090, seattleu.edu/CAPS/

Lemieux Library

Lemieux Library is a hub of resources, technology and services. In fall 2010 students will have an opportunity to study and check out materials in what is being dubbed a “library of the future” with the renovation of the library and addition of a learning commons. The new Lemieux Library and McGoldrick Learning Commons will add 40,000 square feet to the existing 81,000 square-foot building. The library will get a 21st century makeover and be reimagined as a campus hub, a place where scholarly research, collaborative learning and social interaction occur in a light-filled, contemporary space.

An experienced Reference Department staff provides group or individual instruction in locating and using resources and routinely assists students one-on-one with special research projects.

Information: (206) 296-6230, seattleu.edu/lemlib/

Public Safety

Public Safety believes that by reporting incidents of crime and addressing safety concerns, individuals can contribute to the development of a healthy and safe community. Public Safety provides 24-hour security for the campus. Security staff is available to assist students in a variety of ways, including first aid, safety escorts, crime prevention and vehicle assistance. You can also get your parking passes and metro bus cards here.

Information: (206) 296-5911 (emergency); (206) 296-5990, seattleu.edu/safety/

Student Health Center

The Student Health Center provides primary care to all students. Nurse practitioners are available daily, Monday through Friday, and consultation for medical issues is provided at no charge. A small fee is required for preventative services such as physicals and annual exams for women. Prescription medications and lab tests are available at a minimal cost. A nominal fee is charged for minor routine office procedures; most immunizations are provided to students at cost. Students who need a medical specialist or who experience a serious illness or injury must obtain and pay for these services at facilities other than the Student Health Center. The health center staff will assist in obtaining referrals for such services they cannot provide.

All services are confidential and no information is released without a student’s permission. Students under the age of 18 must have an authorization form for treatment signed by a parent or guardian.

Information: (206) 296-6300, seattleu.edu/health/

University Food Services

University Food Services, operated by Bon Appétit, meets the needs and tastes of our distinctive student body with a menu that pairs American classics with international flavors. In addition to providing foods on the go-such as snacks, prepackaged sandwiches, pastries and beverages-Bon Appétit offers rustic, wood-fired pizza, pastas, salads, desserts and more. The menu also reflects a commitment to local, organic foods and fair trade. Bon Appétit offers several varieties of coffee that support fair trade farmers.

Information: (206) 296-6310, seattleu.edu/bon_appetit/