Feb 16, 2025  
2013-2014 Graduate Catalog 
2013-2014 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Tuition and Fees

Graduate Tuition, Fees and Other Educational Expenses

By registering for classes at Seattle University, students agree to pay all applicable tuition, fees, room and board, and other university expenses such as late fees and library fines in accordance with university policies or as stipulated in this catalog.

 2013-14 Graduate Tuition

Program Tuition per Credit Hour
    Fine Arts in Arts Leadership $651
    Business and Economics $778
    Computer Science $778
    Criminal Justice $651
    Education, Doctoral $708
        EDLR 612 (0 credit) $750
    Education, Master $598
    Education, Professional Certification for Teachers, EPCT 520 and EPCT 540 $300
    Executive Master of Nonprofit Leadership $651
    Nursing, Master $665
    Nursing, Doctoral $685
    Psychology $651
    Public Administration $651
    Software Engineering $778
    Sports Administration and Leadership  $700
    Theology and Ministry $604
Cohort Programs Billed Quarterly  
    Executive Leadership Certificate See Program’s Website 
    Health Leadership Executive MBA See Program’s Website 
    Leadership Executive MBA See Program’s Website 


    Advanced Practice Nursing Immersion (APNI): MSN Deposit $95
    Application $55
    Doctor of Education Deposit $500
    Executive Master of Nonprofit Leadership Deposit $150
    International Student Health Insurance (mandatory, per year) $1,182
    Late Registration (per course for any registration after the add/drop period) $50
    Master in Teaching Deposit $500
    Master of Arts in Psychology Deposit $100
    Matriculation (one time, non-refundable) $150
    Official Transcript  
        Transcript (up to 10 per term) Free
        Transcript (each beyond 10 per term) $5
        Transcript E-Delivery (per transcript) [starting Winter 2014] $5
        Transcript Rush Processing (per transcript)  $25
    Recreation Fee, Graduate enrollment of 9 credits or more (per quarter)  $100
    Recreation Fee, Graduate enrollment of less than 9 credits (per quarter)  $65
    Technology, Graduate enrollment of 9 credits or more (per quarter)  $100
    Technology, Graduate enrollment of less than 9 credits (per quarter)  $65

Program Specific Fees

    Advanced Practice Nursing Immersion (APNI), Year 1 (per quarter)  $512
        Year 2 follows MSN specialty track schedule below  
    Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)(per quarter)  
        Family Nurse Practitioner  $272
        Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner  $294
        Certified Nurse Midwife  $373
        Adult and Gerontological Nurse Practitioner  $310
        Advanced Community and Public Health Nursing Leadership  $237
    Calculus Test Prep Course  $650
    Education, Doctoral Dissertation and Binding  $95
    Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) Prep Course  $495
    Master’s Degree Thesis Binding  $80
    Organization Systems Renewal (per quarter)  $600
    Pastoral Counseling (annual)  $450
    Pastoral Leadership (annual)  $50
        All Other School of Theology and Ministry Degree Programs (annual)  $80

Course Specific Fees

Some courses have additional associated fees. These are listed in the course section details on SUOnline.  

Health Insurance

Graduate students are not required to have health insurance; however, health insurance for domestic students may be purchased through Wells Fargo Insurance Services by calling (800) 853-5899 Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

International students are required to purchase student health insurance. The university’s International Student Center can provide information on cost and coverage levels.

Cost of Attendance 2013–14

Seattle University uses the following figures to determine the annual cost of attendance for a full-time student:

On/Off Campus 

Tuition* $10,764
Room $9,336
Board $3,189
Books/Supplies $882
Technology Fee $195
Recreation Fee $195
Personal $2,400
Transportation $1,710
Total $28,671

*Note: The amount shown is for illustrative purposes only. Actual tuition will be based on the per credit rate for each program. Refer to the 2013-14 Graduate Tuition section above for specific per-credit costs for each graduate program.

When preparing a student’s financial aid award, Student Financial Services subtracts the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) as calculated from the information provided on the student’s FAFSA from the estimated cost of attendance to determine the student’s need. The costs and EFC used to prepare a student’s financial aid award can be viewed by logging on to SUOnline and clicking on My Cost of Attendance/Estimated Family Contribution in the Financial Information section of the Student Menu.

Tuition Due Dates

Tuition and fees are always due and payable within 14 days of registration or the scheduled due date, whichever is later:

Fall quarter Sept. 20
Winter quarter Dec. 20
Spring quarter March 20
Summer quarter June 20

The tuition and fees paid by students cover not only the direct costs of the classes for which they enroll, but also library and health services, the student newspaper, student organization allotments, building funds and admission to athletic events.

Finance and Service Charges

By registering for classes at the university, a student agrees to pay their account in full by the due dates established by the university. Additionally, the student agrees to pay a 1 percent per month finance charge (12 percent APR) that may be assessed on unpaid balances, including finance charges previously assessed, and all service fees and late fees established by Seattle University.

A service fee of $25 will be charged for all checks not honored by the bank and returned unpaid to Seattle University. If the returned check is for tuition, and charges are still outstanding after the tuition due date, a late fee will also be assessed to the student’s account. Students with two or more dishonored personal checks will no longer be allowed to submit a personal check as a form of payment.

Late Payment/University Collection Fee

A late fee of $50 per month (up to a maximum of $100) will be assessed on any unpaid balance remaining after the tuition due date. Students with an outstanding balance after a final demand letter for payment has been sent will be assessed a collection fee of $100 in addition to late fees.

Exceptions to this policy will be made only if:

  • Payment arrangements for the term’s charges have been made with Student Financial Services by the term’s tuition due date. If the requirements of the plan are not met, all applicable late fees will be applied retroactively.
  • An institutional error results in delays in the application of financial aid.

Students are responsible for ensuring that all awarded financial aid is applied to their account by the first class day of the term. This includes endorsing co-payable grant or scholarship checks and completing all required loan documents and counseling.

Past-Due Accounts/Collection

A student’s failure to pay in full all tuition and other fees for any quarter or session by the specified due dates will result in a restriction being placed on the student’s record and the student will be prohibited from registering for future quarters, receiving a transcript or diploma and use of university facilities. Delinquent accounts may be referred to a commercial collection agency and may be reported to national credit bureaus. All costs, expenses and fees including, but not limited to, attorney fees, court costs, collection costs and other out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the university in collecting or attempting to collect a past-due account are the responsibility of the student, and will be charged to the student’s account. By registering for classes, a student agrees to pay tuition and other charges and fees as well as any fees associated with collection.

Payment Methods

Seattle University provides a number of payment options to accommodate specific needs for paying student account balances: 

  • Pay by Mail: Payments may be mailed to Seattle University, Student Financial Services, 901 12th Avenue, PO Box 222000, Seattle, WA 98122-1090. The student’s Seattle University ID number or social security number must be included on the check or money order.
  • Pay On-line: VISA, MasterCard or electronic checks may be used to make on-line payment through SUOnline. A 2.5 percent service fee will automatically be added to credit card payment amounts. There is no fee for making an electronic check payment. New students receive log-in instructions for SUOnline in their Admission packets.
  • Pay at the Drop Box: Checks may be submitted using the 24/7 Forms Drop box located across the lobby from the Student Financial Services windows and adjacent to the elevator in the University Services Building. This drop box is accessible 24 hours a day, is secure and is emptied daily.
  • Pay in Person: In-person payments may be made at the Student Financial Services Office in Room 105 of the University Services Building. The office is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, and 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Wednesday–Friday.
  • Sign Up for a Payment Plan: See the Payment Plan Options section below.

Payment Plan Options

Payment Plan A: Two or Three Quarter Payment Plan

This is the most efficient and cost-effective plan for students needing a payment plan for two or three consecutive quarters within the academic year: fall, winter and spring, fall and winter or winter and spring. Students who only need a payment plan for one quarter will want to use Plan B or Plan C that are described below.

This interest free plan divides a student’s outstanding charges into three monthly payments for each quarter:

  • Fall Quarter: October 5, November 5 and December 5
  • Winter Quarter: January 5, February 5 and March 5
  • Spring Quarter: April 5, May 5 and June 5

The Student Financial Services Office emails a payment plan notice to the bill-payer when the scheduled payments for the term have been finalized. That schedule will be viewable by logging on to SUOnline and going to “My Bill” in the “Financial Information” section of the student menu.

Students can provide direct access for their bill-payers to view their financial aid award letters and invoices and make payments through ParentLink. Instructions for setting up this access can be found on the Student Financial Services web site under “Allowing Parent Access to Your Bill.”

Students can enroll in Payment Plan A online by logging on to SUOnline and clicking “Payment Plan Application” in the Financial Information category on the Student Menu. Students who are unable to complete the application online can download and complete the paper version of the application and submit it with the required $50 non-refundable enrollment fee to Student Financial Services no later than September 20.

The Student Financial Services Office is unable to accept applications and enrollment fees before July 1 and students who apply before August 1st will not receive the Fall Quarter payment plan notice until August. Payment plans take approximately 2 weeks for processing and emailing the Fall Quarter payment plan notice to the bill-payer.

If Student Financial Services approves a student’s payment plan notice after the first payment is due, missed payments must be included in the first payment. The student’s payment plan will be cancelled after two consecutive late payments. At that time, any remaining amount owed for the quarter becomes immediately past due and payable in full and future registration will be blocked until the student’s account is brought current.

Payment Plan B: Three Installment Quarterly Plan

Application for this 3-payment quarterly plan must be made each quarter. One-third of the balance due on the student’s account plus a $30, non-refundable enrollment fee must be received by the payment due date shown on the student’s Registration and Payment Invoice.

Students can enroll in Payment Plan B online by logging on to SUOnline and clicking “Payment Plan Application” in the Financial Information category on the Student Menu. Students who are unable to complete the application online can download and complete the paper version of the application and submit it with the required $30 non-refundable enrollment fee to Student Financial Services no later than the payment due date shown on the Registration and Payment Invoice.

With this plan in place, payments must be received by the following dates:

  • Fall Quarter: September 20, October 20 and November 20
  • Winter Quarter: December 20, January 20 and February 20
  • Spring Quarter: March 20, April 20 and May 20

Payment Plan C: Deferred Quarterly Single Payment Plan

This quarterly plan defers payment of the balance due on your student account until the last day of the month following the scheduled student account balance due date. An application must be submitted for each quarter you want to use this plan. The balance on your student account is then due by the date shown below.

Students can enroll in Payment Plan C online by logging on to SUOnline and clicking “Payment Plan Application” in the Financial Information category on the Student Menu. Students who are unable to complete the application online can download and complete the paper version of the application and submit it with the required $30 non-refundable enrollment fee to Student Financial Services no later than the payment due date shown on the Registration and Payment Invoice.

With this plan in place, payment of the entire balance due on the student’s account must be received by the following dates:

  • Fall Quarter: November 5
  • Winter Quarter: February 5
  • Spring Quarter: May 5

Payment Plan E: Employer Paid Tuition Deferred Payment Plan

Students who will receive tuition reimbursement through their employer after coursework is completed and grades are posted, can apply for this payment plan which defers payment of tuition and fees until 30 days after grades are posted at the end of the term. An application must be submitted for each quarter the student wants to use this plan and there is a $30 non-refundable enrollment fee for each quarter.

The “Payment Plan E” application form is available from the Forms section of the Student Financial Services web site.

The deadline to submit the application and $30, non-refundable enrollment fee to Student Financial Services is the payment due date shown on the student’s “Registration and Payment Invoice.”

Overpayment of Account (Credit Balance)

A credit balance is the result of payments … including the transmittal of financial aid … on a student’s account exceeding charges. If there is a credit balance after all payments have actually been posted to the account, that amount will be transferred to the student’s checking account via direct deposit if the student has authorized this option. Otherwise, the check will be mailed to the student’s mailing address of record as shown on SUOnline (where students can also go to update that address). Because credit balance checks are not mailed until the first day of the quarter, receipt of these checks may be delayed three to five days if the student hasn’t provided a current, local mailing address.

A credit balance on a student’s account that is the result of “Pending Estimated Financial Aid” being deducted from the charges on the account is not a true credit balance until the financial aid is actually disbursed and so is NOT available to the student until all financial aid for the quarter has been posted to the student’s account.

A direct deposit or check will automatically be generated if:

  • There is a credit balance for the current term. This occurs when payments and/or financial aid actually disbursed (not pending or estimated aid) exceed charges.
  • There are no other balances due to the University.
  • The student is a financial aid recipient and is registered for at least as many credit hours as are shown on the financial aid award letter.
  • A Parent PLUS Loan is not included in the student’s financial aid award.
  • A check payment hasn’t been made on the student’s account within the last twenty-one (21) days.

If one of the above applies to a student who has a credit balance, the student should contact Student Financial Services for resolution.

Official Withdrawal Date

A student is responsible for payment of all fees related to courses for which the student has registered, whether or not the student physically attended the courses. Any reduction or refund of tuition is based on the official withdrawal date which is determined as follows:

Undergraduate students wishing to withdraw from a course must complete a withdrawal form. The official date of withdrawal is the date of the first signature on that form by a university official unless the form is not submitted to the Office of the Registrar within five days of that first signature. In that case, the official date of withdrawal becomes the date the Office of the Registrar received the form.  

Tuition Refunds (Policy 75–9)

Refunds are based on the official date of withdrawal. See the quarterly schedule of classes for specific dates. A refund to financial aid recipients is applied first to financial aid sources from which it came and the balance, if any, is remitted to the student. Loan proceeds are returned directly to the lender. Student Financial Services will issue a check for any credit balance. Petitions for tuition adjustment and fee waivers will be approved only to correct a university error.

Tuition Refund Policy


Official withdrawal (full or partial) fall, winter or spring quarters:

Through the last day of Add/Drop 100 percent
Through the second Saturday (after the first Monday) of the term 90 percent
Through the third Saturday (after the first Monday) of the term 75 percent
Through the fourth Saturday (after the first Monday) of the term 50 percent
Thereafter No refund

Official withdrawal (full or partial) summer term:

Four–week and intersessions:  
Through the last day to Add/Drop 100 percent
Thereafter No refund
Eight-week sessions:  
Through the last day to Add/Drop 100 percent
Through second Saturday 50 percent
Thereafter No refund

Short courses (any session not listed above) will be refunded at 100 percent if withdrawal occurs on or before the second class meeting. No refund thereafter.